Age Divisions
Minor Box Lacrosse players range in age from 5 years old to 16 years old. The divisions are similar to those found in minor hockey and the ages are based on the year of birth. For example, if a player turns 5 anytime within the calendar year, that player is eligible to play minor lacrosse as a U7 for that Lacrosse season.
Age as of December 31 of the playing season:
U7 - players are ages 5 & 6 years
U9 - players are ages 7 & 8 years
U11 - players are ages 9 & 10 years
U13 - players are ages 11 & 12 years
U15 - players are ages 13 & 14 years
U17 - players are ages 15 & 16 years
U7 and U9 players have regular practices and local scrimmages throughout the season.
U11players have regular practices, games within the zone and tournament games throughout the season.
U13/U15 & U17 players have regular practices, games within the zone, several tournaments and those teams are also eligible to compete for the chance to represent our zone (Zone 1) at the BC Provincial Box Lacrosse Championships each year.
Every second year (even years, 2022, 2024, etc), U17 aged players also have the opportunity to try out for a Zone 1 Box Lacrosse BC Summer Games team.
Age as of December 31 of the playing season:
U7 - players are ages 5 & 6 years
U9 - players are ages 7 & 8 years
U11 - players are ages 9 & 10 years
U13 - players are ages 11 & 12 years
U15 - players are ages 13 & 14 years
U17 - players are ages 15 & 16 years
U7 and U9 players have regular practices and local scrimmages throughout the season.
U11players have regular practices, games within the zone and tournament games throughout the season.
U13/U15 & U17 players have regular practices, games within the zone, several tournaments and those teams are also eligible to compete for the chance to represent our zone (Zone 1) at the BC Provincial Box Lacrosse Championships each year.
Every second year (even years, 2022, 2024, etc), U17 aged players also have the opportunity to try out for a Zone 1 Box Lacrosse BC Summer Games team.